Diagnosis of the team
Working with different teams in organizations, we had the opportunity to look at the changes that have taken place in teamwork over the last few years. Classic teams were characterized by constant composition, long duration, consistency and long-established relationships. Nowadays, with projective approach to work, fixed and defined teams increasingly have to replace the ones that are created for the needs of a particular project, consisting of people from different parts of the company (and sometimes from outside the company in general) with very different experiences, communication codes, personality styles.
More and more often, organizations need to eliminate silos, launch good co-operation between divisions, different areas of the company, quickly organize efficient inter-departmental teams. This means that people in such teams must share the principle of "everyone for the task, the task for all." Members of such teams must be able to respect one another, avoid interpersonal conflicts while avoiding conflicts of interest and quickly move to a joint action. They must have very good social skills. It is mainly about the ability to listen, communicate clearly information and ideas and above all the high tolerance of diversity - in terms of behavioural styles, personality, substantive preparation.Read more: http://blogi.hbrp.pl/blog-biznesowy/koniec-zespolow/
- We diagnose, support and improve work in high efficiency teams - we conduct diagnostic workshops, we use our own methods
- We provide teamwork, team decision-making and creative problem-solving skills - we teach and develop the team in terms of competence, cooperation, conflict management, communication
- We create teams that fit the organizational culture of the company - we improve teamwork so they work in harmony with the company's existing culture
- We increase the efficiency of project and inter-departmental teams
- We support teams working on the SCRUM model
- We improve the interpersonal skills needed in high performance teams
We focus on a thorough diagnosis of the cause of the problem. In situations of new challenges and changes, we help to define the possible development needs of the team. We use proprietary diagnostic tools - we work in workshops, we run group and individual processes allowing to diagnose the causes of emerging problems.Methods and areas of diagnosis
- Qualitative research of team dynamics, cooperation and communication (work and teamwork simulations) – it provides an overview of team behaviour and morality, "unwritten" norms and rules, dominant communication and cooperation styles
- Diagnosis of attitudes and beliefs – it reveals a "mental level", such as blocking beliefs and attitudes, visions of own development or preferred work style
- Diagnosis of individual communication style - results shed light on communication and interpersonal problems in the team
- "Contextual analysis" - functioning of the team against the background of organizational culture
- "Block analysis" - diagnostics with the help of the author’s tool to determine the "blockage" of the team
- "Challenge Map" - creating an image of problems and directions of change in the team
- workshop for observation, diagnosis, feedback
- team and subgroup simulations
- diagnostic questionnaires for individual communication and collaboration styles
- projection tasks
- discussion moderated after prior block analysis and "team pathologies" diagnosed using questionnaires