Piotr Piasecki

Piotr Piasecki - Expert in management and leadership, consultant, coach, expert in development services market.
He has many years of managerial practice. He was working respectively as sales director, board member, chairman of the board. He has an International Certificate of Consultant and Management Coach. He is the co-founder and a chairman of the Heidtman&Piasecki consulting firm and also the co-founder of the Intellectual Capital Foundation. He is a co-founder and a chairman of the POLISH CHAMBER OF COACHING COMPANIES, a member of the Presidium of the NATIONAL ECONOMIC CHAMBER and a member of the Council of the ZSK STEAKHOLDERS. He was a lecturer and consultant at Harvard Business Review Poland (ICAN INSTITUTE) where he ran workshops for managerial staff and implemented advisory and development projects for companies. He cooperates with many institutions of business environment and education, among others with the POLISH AGENCY OF THE ENETRPRISE. He has carried out a number of research initiatives and publications and also popularizing initiatives associated with promoting “lifelong learning” concept, relating to development and management. Recently, the "White Paper on Development Services" and the Sector of Development Services have been published. He co-authored the book "SENSECREATION: 7 Ways to Create Value in Organization and Team". He developed his own concept of "Capital Company", the competence of leaders of the change model and the concept of "Leadership of 7 planets". He creates and executes advisory and development programs for companies, lectures and conducts interactive lectures for leaders and specialists. He has completed several projects in the area of strategic planning, change management, diagnosis and modelling of organizational culture, improvement of managerial and leadership skills or team building. He uses many (including his own) strategic planning tools, diagnostic methods, targeting techniques and action planning. He applies group and individual problem solving methods and Action Learning method. He applies his own method of individual support to the managers’ development, including interventions related to improving personal and leadership effectiveness. He is an accredited consultant for INSIGHTS DISCOVERY.
Selected publications
- Firma dobra, firma lepsza, firma kapitalna, Strategia i Szkolenia, Publikacja w ramach projektu Strategia i szkolenia, (www.strategia-szkolenia.pl) czerwiec 2014.
- Rola trenera zarządzania, Matrik, Vademecum trenera 2, Kraków 2012
- Szukając trenera – rozdział 6. „Profesjonalni trenerzy, czyli jak planować i osiągać długofalowe rezultaty”, W.F. Szymczak, T.Wański, GWP 2011
- Dobre praktyki wsparcia zmiany w organizacji ze strony szkoleń, publikacja powstała w ramach projektu badawczego „Partnerstwo na rzecz adaptacyjności w regionie mazowieckim”, WND.POKL/02200/08/8.1.2, Polska Izba Firm Szkoleniowych, 2010
- Realne wsparcie adaptacyjności przedsiębiorstw. Wprowadzenie do problematyki projektu. publikacja powstała w ramach projektu badawczego „Partnerstwo na rzecz adaptacyjności w regionie mazowieckim”, WND.POKL/02200/08/8.1.2, Polska Izba Firm Szkoleniowych, 2010
- Efektywne strategie zmian. Rekomendacje dla Mazowsza, publikacja powstała w ramach projektu badawczego „Partnerstwo na rzecz adaptacyjności w regionie mazowieckim”, WND.POKL/02200/08/8.1.2, Polska Izba Firm Szkoleniowych, 2010
Collaboration with Harvard Business Review Poland
email: piotr.piasecki@businessdoctors.pl
tel: 607 180 057