Joanna Heidtman

Ph. D. Joanna Heidtman - psychologist and sociologist. Advisor, business coach and lecturer.
Knowledge and experience she gained among others at the University of South Carolina and the Cornell University in the USA. In the Institute of Sociology of the Jagiellonian University, she has conducted a 14-year study on the network of conflicts and dynamics of power. She is a co-manager in the consulting firm Heidtman&Piasecki, co-founder of the Intellectual Capital Foundation and lecturer at the European University and at the SWPS University. She conducts classes and workshops on social psychology, leadership and dynamics of groups (inter alia in the IT Business Management program organized by AGH). She provides consulting and development projects for managers and specialists - diagnosis and modelling of organizational culture, building effective leadership and related to team effectiveness groups. She works individually with senior managers, specialists and project team leaders. She uses coaching methods, individual training and "based on progress approach" (a form of multidimensional learning and development). She conducts numerous lectures and interactive lectures addressed to managers and "knowledge workers".
She published in such magazines as the Sociological Focus, Advancess in Group Processes, and in the industry and popular magazines: Harvard Business Review, Personnel & Management, Think Tank, SENS, Nature, Coaching. She is certified by the "Art & Science of Coaching" by Erickson College International, the Insights Discovery ™ and the teams advisor learning with method of the "Action Larning". Her books are devoted to individual effectiveness ("In harmony with yourself and others", Emka edition) and the teamwork problems ("Group processes - sociological perspective", Scholar edition). The latest book "SENSECREATION: 7 Ways to Create Value in Organization and Team", together with Piotr Piasecki, she focuses on combining themes from different areas of management and development into increasing the effectiveness of organizations. She works as an independent expert with television stations TVN, TVN24, TVN 24 BiŚ and also with radio stations.
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Selected publications in peer-reviewed journals
- Heidtman, Joanna. 2009. “„Relacje konfliktu w strukturach sieciowych - rozwój wiedzy w obrębie teoretycznego programu badawczego” Oblicza Socjologii Krakowskiej. Tom 1. Red. G. Bryda i W. Pawnik. Wyd. Nomos
- Heidtman, Joanna. 2005. „Oczekiwania, status i perswazja w grupach zadaniowych” w: „Sztuka perswazji. Socjologiczne, psychologiczne i lingwistyczne aspekty komunikowania perswazyjnego”, Rafał Garpiel, Amelia Horodecka, Katarzyna Leszczyńska (red.). Wydawnictwo Nomos 403-415
- Heidtman, Joanna. 2005. „Typologia grup społecznych.” Encyklopedia Socjologii. Red. W. Kwaśniewicz i inni. Warszawa.
- Heidtman Joanna. 2002. „Strukturalne i indywidualne mechanizmy powstawania i dystrybucji władzy w sieciach konfliktu”. Studia Socjologiczne, 1(164): 7-42
- Heidtman Joanna, Kinga Wysieńska i Jacek Szmatka. 2000. „Positivism and Types of Theories in Sociology”. Sociological Focus, 33: 1-26.
Collaboration with Harvard Business Review Poland
- „Współdziałanie zamiast rywalizacji” (artykuł) Maj 2010
- „Gdy partner w zespole sabotuje twoją pracę” (case study) Maj 2009
- „Praca w zgodzie z własnymi wartościami” grudzień 2007
- „Coaching i mentoring: indywidualne dopasowanie” BRIEF dodatek do nr 05/2008
- „Zarządzanie emocjami w inwestowaniu” czerwiec 2008
- Gdy lider staje się barierą w rozwoju firmy (komentarz) kwiecień 2004
COACHING magazine
- „Ojciec pomysłów” Styczeń 2015
- „O stawaniu się odważniejszym” Marzec 2015
Contact - Ph. D. Joanna Heidtman
tel: +48 504 180 507